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Why You Should Choose A Local Concrete Company

Why You Should Choose A Local Concrete Company

When it comes to your construction projects, whether they’re domestic or commercial, the quality of the materials you use is everything. 

Concrete is a crucial component in many building projects and choosing the right concrete supplier can make all the difference. While it may be tempting to go with a large, national supplier, there are many reasons why you should consider a local concrete company instead. In this article, we name a few.

Local companies have more local knowledge

One of the main advantages of working with a local ready mix concrete supplier is that they have an in-depth understanding of the local conditions and regulations. This knowledge can be invaluable in ensuring that your project meets all the necessary requirements and avoids any potential issues down the line. 

A local concrete company will be familiar with the soil type, climate and other environmental factors that can impact the performance of the concrete. They can also advise you on the best type of concrete to use for your specific project, taking into account the local conditions.

Why you should choose a local concrete company

Local companies are closer to your project site

Another benefit of choosing a local concrete supplier is that they are closer to your project site, which means faster and more timely delivery. When you’re working on a construction project, time is of the essence and any delays can be costly. With a local concrete company, you can be assured of a prompt concrete delivery, helping you to stay on schedule and avoid any unnecessary hold-ups.

Local companies offer a more personal service

When you work with a local ready mix concrete supplier, you can also benefit from a more personalised service and a better working relationship. 

Local companies are often more invested in their local community and are committed to providing excellent customer service. They are more likely to take the time to understand your specific needs and requirements and to work closely with you to ensure that you get the best possible results. 

Choosing a local company supports the local community

By choosing a local concrete company, you are also supporting the local economy. When you buy from a local business, more of your money stays within the community, helping to create jobs and support other local enterprises. This can have a positive ripple effect on the entire area.

Local companies provide better after-sales support

Finally, when you work with a local concrete supplier, you can expect better follow-up and after-sales support. If you have any questions or concerns about the concrete you’ve received, or if you need additional support, a local company is more likely to be responsive and available to help. They are also more likely to stand behind their product and to work with you to resolve any issues that may arise.


If you’re looking for a reliable and reputable concrete supplier in the Woking, Guildford and Surrey areas, look no further than Total Concrete. With years of experience in the industry, we are committed to providing the highest quality ready mix concrete, delivered fast. Our state-of-the-art mixed concrete delivery system ensures that you get the perfect mix for your project, delivered right to your site. 

Contact us today to experience the benefits of working with a top-quality local concrete company.
